Hannah Carter

Social Media Specialist

Hannah Carter has a B.A. in Communication Studies with an emphasis in Media Studies. She has worked in social media for several years, a field that always is changing and never leaves her bored. Prior to working at Green Closet Creative, she worked as a news director and social media producer for a television station and as a marketing assistant at a disability non-profit. Outside of work, Hannah hangs out with her two dogs, Baylee and Stella (named after her favorite All Time Low song), and her bearded dragon, Bellows, named after a “Magic: The Gathering” card. She spends her evenings playing games or watching movies with friends.

The Creative Blog

We love what we do, but more than anything we are passionate about educating our clients about the things that matter to them in the world of marketing.

  • Web Dev. Tip: Regular Maintenance
    Web Dev. Tip: Regular Maintenance

    Jul. 22, 2024

    The Importance of Regular Website Maintenance

    If you run a WordPress website, you want that website to run smoothly and securely. Regular website maintenance is...

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  • Social Media Tip: Facts over Fluff
    Social Media Tip: Facts over Fluff

    Jul. 15, 2024

    Facts Over Fluff: Prioritize Intentional Content on Your Social Media Pages

    When it comes to social media, it’s easy to get lost in the flashy images and catchy phrases. This type of...

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  • Copywriting Tip: Micro-content writing: A powerful copywriting tool
    Copywriting Tip: Micro-content writing: A powerful copywriting tool

    Jul. 8, 2024

    Micro-Content Writing: A Powerful Copywriting Tool

    Micro-content writing is still having a moment. We can thank our abbreviated attention spans for that.  In 2004,...

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Web Dev. Tip: Regular Maintenance

Jul. 22, 2024

The Importance of Regular Website Maintenance

If you run a WordPress website, you want that website to run smoothly and securely. Regular website maintenance is...

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Social Media Tip: Facts over Fluff

Jul. 15, 2024

Facts Over Fluff: Prioritize Intentional Content on Your Social Media Pages

When it comes to social media, it’s easy to get lost in the flashy images and catchy phrases. This type of...

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Copywriting Tip: Micro-content writing: A powerful copywriting tool

Jul. 8, 2024

Micro-Content Writing: A Powerful Copywriting Tool

Micro-content writing is still having a moment. We can thank our abbreviated attention spans for that.  In 2004,...

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We are deeply grateful to live and work in a community where we take care of our neighbors. Our non-profit partners inspire us every day. We are proud to help them to do their life-changing work.

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