Category: web-development

Green Closet Creative Pattern Design
Web Dev Tip: Image Optimization

Aug. 12, 2024

Picture Perfect: The Importance of Optimizing Images

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but it can weigh a whole lot more!  Visual content is processed much...

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Web Dev. Tip: Regular Maintenance

Jul. 22, 2024

The Importance of Regular Website Maintenance

If you run a WordPress website, you want that website to run smoothly and securely. Regular website maintenance is...

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Digital Tip: Mastering Google Ads Landing Pages

Jun. 25, 2024

Mastering Landing Pages: 6 Essential Guidelines for Effective Google Ads Campaigns

Creating effective landing pages is an essential part of any successful Google Ads campaign. When users click on your...

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Web Dev Tip: Celebrating WordPress with a Wordpress logo wearing a party hat

May. 20, 2024

WordPress: The World’s Most Popular CMS

Out of all the options available in our digital landscape, one platform dominates the competition: With its...

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Web Dev Tip: Margin v. Padding

Apr. 8, 2024

Margin vs. Padding: It’s More Than Empty Space

Spacing is crucial to web design and development–It is more than just empty gaps between elements.  When...

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gif file of a code changing from to to showcase the importance of Semantic HTML.

Feb. 5, 2024

Web Development Tip: Semantic HTML for Content Writers and Editors

What Is Semantic HTML? Simply stated, semantic HTML (HyperText Markup Language), also referred to as semantic markup,...

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We are deeply grateful to live and work in a community where we take care of our neighbors. Our non-profit partners inspire us every day. We are proud to help them to do their life-changing work.

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